B-8, Sector 59, NOIDA - 201 301 (UP)
+1 (408) 340 1967 , +91 (982) 120 7524

New Year

Every year, we start afresh with full power mode.
Sneak-a-peek at our dazzling party pictures. Nights with fun-filled, swaying steps and loud music -
just the perfect way to celebrate and welcome a new year.

To new beginnings

It’s that feeling when a new page is going to be turned over. Everyone at Head Field has mixed feelings - curiousness, excitement and hope.

New Year awakens the strongest and most heartfelt associations. There is a yearning, a desire, and a smile spread among all our faces. Everyone engulfs in one emotion - that of celebration. We dance, booze, laugh and enjoy to our heart's fullest. It is Head Field’s way to party and welcome the New Year!

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